All Yours


Friends and Fun People on the Net

You might have found me in the Arizona Coffee House at times where I met fun people, on the net as well as in real life. Amazing what you could learn in there at times *L* Nowadays the room doesn't exist anymore, everybody switches to ICQ or else.

All the girls, especially when found in one room - gee... the tea cosae talk with contraband, unforgettable...Tyrtle, without you I wouldn't have found this site.... Kardyak, a genius of a designer, his sites are a compliment to your visual perception...

Duncan!! An ex-colleague, crazy designer... who made the perfect decision to work in CA. We always seem to end up in Irish Pubs when we meet. Love you to pieces, friend! In reply to '...but it doesn't say anything about me!' Picture, hhmmm, here now!